
There‘s a german word that is called ‘fertig’.

It means ready.

Or prepared. Or tired. It means to be complete, nothing to add there. And to be depleted of energy at the same time.

There‘s a german word that is called fertig.

It means ready.

Or prepared. Or tired. It means to be complete, nothing to add there. And to be depleted of energy at the same time.

One can say „Ich habe fertig“ or “Ich bin fertig“

„Bist du fertig?“ could also mean „are you out of your mind?“

Today’s practice is a study about handwritings and fonts and randomized colors. Why?

I’ve promised myself to publish 1 mmm.page for 100 consecutive days in order to improve my skills. Today is #6. You can join the #100dayspractice challenge. Each day. Follow your impulse.

Source: Hack the North

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