24/01/15 Childish fantasy

very childish rain

Playing with

imagination & colors

Found those elements on canva and wanted them to be here. They are created by Hanna Dorol from sketchify.

What if Hanna created hyroglyphs that will be used in future communication, for emotions that have yet to be named?

This one is called a „Lucky Jack“.

A Lucky Jack is the overwhelming wave of bliss that hits you out of the blue, stays for a while and leaves you with an even greater amount of trust and optimism.

What if Hanna created a framework for building fantasy creatures, that would feel awkward in our world, due to their colorness?

Source: Apply

very childish fantasy animal

If you create, you create. And a first (or second or third) step of existence is completed. If it is out in the world, magic things can happen.

Bottom line:

I feel a strong attraction to elements with colorful gradients and neon colors, but using them in designs feels quickly too childish. There’s a sweet spot to be met.

Erm, okay. What is this all about?

This is me, experimenting with elements, talking to myself.